GP Extended Hours
Practice Extended Hours Appointments
The Practice offers extended hours appointments Monday to Friday 07:00 - 08:00 for patients who are unable to attend during the normal practice hours, please ask at reception or telephone the practice if you require an extended hours appointment
Enhanced Access
General practice is here for you for longer as routine appointments become available on evenings and weekends.
Our practice is working together with Rochdale Health Alliance to offer patients evening and weekend appointments.
Heywood Primary Care Network, groups of General Practices working together to deliver key health and care services, have increased access to pre-bookable, routine appointments at evenings and weekends.
Enhanced access appointments may include services like cervical screening, childhood vaccination clinics and health checks. People will be able to see a member of the general practice team, a GP, nurse or other health professional.
The appointments offered via enhanced access will be held at The Phoenix Centre, Church St, Heywood OL10 1LR Centre and may be with a different clinician than usual. This clinician will have access to your health records and will be able to treat you in the same way as we would.
You can access these appointments via our reception team.